2016년 2월 1일 월요일

[C++] MFC, Add dialog to a SDI based project

Summary to add dialog (formview) to a project based on SDI.

1. Firstly, Create a new project which is based on SDI.

2. Add a new dialog to resource.

3. Add class to the added dialog (should be based on CDialog class) (ex. CMyDlg)

4. Add a member function "BOOL Create(Cwnd* pParentWnd); " in CMyDlg class.

5. type below codes for the member function in .cpp file of the above class,

BOOL CMyDlg::Create(CWnd* pParentWnd)
           return CDialog::Create(IDD, pParentWnd);

6. include "CMyDlg" in main frame class (Or View class)

7. declare the added class' instance (e.g., CMyDlg *dlg;)

8. Lastly, in .cpp file of Main frame class (or view class), type below codes in OnCreate (if there is no OnCreate, add message function) ,
     dlg = new CMyDlg;

Additionally, if menu buttons (or event handler) are used for create the dialog, 
refer to below functions:

bool CMFC_TESTView::CreateChildDlg(void)
        if(dlg != NULL) return 0;
               dlg = new CMyDlg;
               if(dlg->GetSafeHwnd() ==0)
                       if(!dlg->Create(this)) return 0;
                       else {dlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);

        return TRUE;

bool CMFC_TESTView::DestroyChildDlg(void)
               if(dlg != NULL)
                       if(!dlg->DestroyWindow()) return FALSE;
        dlg =NULL;
        return TRUE;

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